четверг, 6 февраля 2014 г.

Run EVE Online with Wine on Intel video card

Tried run Eve on Intel video (sandybridge) after 04.02.14 patch, but game looks very dark like gamma correction set very low, tried playing with wine registry settings and look like this one helps:
 Now got very fast wine crashes with this error:
intel_do_flush_locked failed: Input/output error
Adding this options to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf seems prevent

Option "DebugFlushBatches" "true"
Option "DebugFlushCaches" "true"

It is possible to play, but have alot of graphic stranges, like:

  1. Ship double picture at fitting screen, mirror picture reverted.
  2. Disco white lights and flashes in space near stations or other objects in space.
  3. Blueprint icons reverted in item hangar
  4. Strange npc station effects in space. 
Dont know how to fix them yet. Hope ccp will fix nvidia soon.

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